What are the advantages of an online secure video library ?

Storing video content on a computer can easily become a constraint. Indeed, it can rapidly weigh down the storage space of your computer.
A video library is both an online private and collaborative space. It gives you the ability to host a large amount of content on a specialized video platform, especially designed for videos, by guaranteeing the permanent access and by avoiding the loss of your data.
Videos tend to consume a lot of spaces. It is for this reason that video hosting platforms have been created.
In this article, we tell you about the features of a video library.
The boundaries of public video hosting platforms for your company
Many companies are creating more and more video content, whether it is for their internal or external communication
You might think about hosting videos on a famous video server such as YouTube,,,
Even if this video hosting platform holds several advantages (free use of the library, quick access to videos, creation of playlists…), your video content won’t be 100% corporate !
What’s more, the dissemination of ads during video playback and suggestions of your rivals at the end of a video won’t be more relevant for your company.
YouTube’s library is ideal for content creators, but not for professionals (a few customization options, a video player without the possibility to add your logo…).
This is the reason why a private and secure video library is more suitable to the needs of your company for video hosting.
A video catalog to host all of your videos online
A video library is convenient for professionals. If you don’t know about its advantages, we prepared for you a list of its features.

In order to not weigh down the storage space of your computer, nothing such as hosting your videos on a video library. Its storage space is handy. In fact, you can manage, index and archive a large amount of video content.
You can pool all of your company’s videos by entity, so that each team has access to its own content.
A simpler management of access is possible according to the needs of your company.
A powerful and optimized searching system
You can classify your videos by categories to easily find them.
You have the possibility to index your videos by adding metadata such as legends, keywords, and even custom fields depending on your needs. All of this by optimizing the search of your videos.
A video library holds a powerful searching system. Once the indexation task is done, you can find a video among a bunch of contents in a few seconds.
There is a system of filters, and it is based on the informed metadata on your videos. It enables you to filter the searching results to find THE video.
An HTML5 video player without any ads to broadcast your videos
An HTML5 video player in white label is available for you. Your video player will both be powerful and in line with the brand of your company.
No ads or suggestions are broadcast before, while and after the playback of your videos.
If your customers or collaborators do not speak french, the video player supports subtitles of your video. You can manage thanks to the video library.
The video player supports the traffic generated when you embed them on the web, in order to ensure a broadcast of quality for all of your viewers.
What’s more, it perfectly adapts itself to all media supports (computer, tablet, mobile phone), and to your viewers’ internet connection.
To sum up, a video library has features specially designed for video hosting and the broadcast of videos. It is ideal for professionals and companies, because it enables you to host and gather all of your video contents in a private and collaborative space.
If you want to host both video content and documents (photos, musics etc…), you will certainly be interested in our article about DAM