Organize all of your videos in a private and collaborative space
Your company produces videos and you want to host them securely. A private video hosting platform enables you to manage and centralize the hosting of your videos creatéd by the different units of your company. A unique and secure environment is available for the hosting, the management and the broadcasting of your videos.
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Share videos privately
Send videos to your recipients privately thanks to private sharing links. Your videos are presented on a personalized page with your logo and your colors. Enjoy advanced privacy options such as locking your videos through passwords, the expiry of a link through a precise date or even protection against downloading.
Find out more about itEmbed videos on your web sites
Videas offers you an HTML5 video player customizable to your colors and logo. The video player doesn’t contain any ads to guarantee a professional broadcast without any distraction. The video player is responsive and is suitable for all kinds of media support (mobile phone, tablet, computer) and guarantees a broadcast that automatically adapts to the viewer’s network connection.
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Broadcast your in-house videos to your collaborators
You would like to offer a video platform to your collaborators on which they would be able to find videos classified by topic. Videas helps you in the creation of a corporate Web TV in accordance with your brand image. A video channel for your company available for all employees and even for mobile workers.
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