Solution for territorial communities

A secure platform to archive and broadcast your videos
Try it now, it's free !

Archive all of your videos production

Host your videos online and on a private and secure platform. A wide space is available, so that you can store your videos without being limited. Remain owner of your content. By hosting your videos on our platform, you keep the entirety of author’s rights. The video library enables you to organize your videos by files and the research system through passwords allow you to easily find your contents for your retrospectives.

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online video library for town
share video online

Share your videos through a link

You need to easily share one or several videos with an external person. You can quickly retrieve a private and secure sharing link. Your recipient will be able to access the content without having to download the video. Options are available : access through passwords, the expiry of the link, permission of downloading…

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Upload videos on your website

You want to embed your videos on the website of your city ? Retrieve an iframe code and add it to the place you want. Videas provides you a responsive video player that adapts to all types of screens and without any ads. Furthermore, Videas’ player doesn’t integrate any cookie nor computer plotter (RGPD).

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custom online video player
Web TV

Create a Web TV for your city

You produce a lot of videos and you want to gather them into a website and in line with the image of your territorial community. We create a Web TV for you in accordance with the website of your city. Inhabitants will be able to track the news of your city. You can independently post videos and create categories thanks to a back office linked to your Web TV.

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Designed for you

Discover our video hosting solution

We know that managing and delivering video can quickly become complicated. That's why we've made sure you have everything you need to get the job done. Consider Videas as the control center for hosting and streaming your videos on the Internet. With unlimited, private and secure hosting, you have everything you need to succeed. Contact us at any time, our team is at your service!