What are the 6 advantages of a Digital Asset Management ?

A DAM (Digital Asset Management) is an organizational management solution for your digital assets. In other words, you have the possibility to store and centralize your digital content on a private and collaborative interface.
You can store video content as much as audio files or photos.
This digital management tool is very efficient for companies, especially for HR teams, communication teams, and marketing teams.
In this article, we will explain the entirety of its advantages.
A Digital Asset Management (DAM) : The ergonomic tool to organize your digital assets online
Digital Asset Management contains several features. Here are its advantages :
1. Store digital assets in an easy way
Thanks to a DAM, the management of your work will be simplified. In fact, you have the possibility to host a large amount of data. To do so, numerous storing features are available.
An annotation system is available. You can annotate your digital content. It will make your research easier on your specialized platform.
To easily find your digital assets, you can use a research system. It is available through the searching tool.
You have the possibility to index your digital content, to name it, to write a description, to choose keyboards, and even personalized metadata to easily find them in the searching tool.
Classification of your digital files is also available. You can classify them by sections / files according to their themes, in order to find your media with one single click. It is handy if you want to quickly find a video.
A DAM is ideal for companies that want to store a large number of digital data.
2. Personalize your digital asset management
It is obvious that your Digital Asset Management is much more attractive when it is colored, and customizable !
It is the reason why you have the opportunity to customize it and to adapt it to your graphic charter. In other words, you have the opportunity to match the colors, and the theme of your company with your specialized platform for a 100% corporate result.
By customizing your Digital Asset Management, your collaborators and you, will enjoy storing digital files, and to collaborate on an entertaining interface ! By applying the graphic charter of your company, your collaborators won’t be lost on your platform. Thus, they will be able to find themselves on your digital asset management.
3. Share efficiently and securely your content
On a digital asset management, you can share with your users your digital content, both internally and externally. To do so, you can share your digital content thanks to embedded codes. For instance, you have the possibility to embed your digital content on your website. A DAM gives you the possibility to share your digital files unlimited, contrary to cloud-based online platforms such as WeTransfer. What’s more, on our specialized platform, we give you the opportunity to personalize your share page. For instance, you can put it in line with the graphic charter of your company. It is a good way to enable your collaborators to not be lost in your shares.
4. Centralize your digital contents
The advantage with a DAM, is that it gives you the possibility to gather your contents in one place. Indeed, your digital content is centralized in a unique interface.
We know that losing your digital content is a huge constraint. This is the reason why digital asset management is ideal for companies, because it will enable you to classify and to store the entirety of your digital documents in the same interface.
A unique interface is ideal, because it enables you to centralize and to manage all of your videos, images, sounds in a private space.
5. A collaborative and private interface
Your confidentiality is important as much as in all companies. Digital asset management is efficient to exchange with your collaborators securely. Workflows are very used in a DAM. To make it short, workflow is a process that enables employees to manage the work that each person has to do (Publication of new posts, archiving digital files etc…). It will allow your collaborators to manage more of their tasks, and thus to feel useful on your corporate platform.
6. Organize more your digital contents in an easy way
Thanks to Digital Asset Management, you will have the possibility to obtain a more fluent organization. To give you an example, you have the possibility to annotate, index, search videos, add annotations, and comments for your collaborators. In order to easily find your digital content, an auto-completion system is also available.
What’s more, you will see a significant increase in your employees’ performance. In fact, a DAM solution enables you to efficiently work thanks to tools that are both simple to use, and entertaining. It will increase the productivity of your employees. Another reason to opt for a DAM !
The confidentiality of your digital asset management is fundamental. This is why advanced security features are available : Your videos and your shared links are protected through a password system. This functionality is advantageous, especially if you want to share digital files with a specific team.
To conclude, a Digital Asset Management is ideal for your company. Because it enables you to store, organize, archive, share, your digital content, all of this from a private interface, and personalized.
It is a management tool that is both collaborative and efficient, where all of your collaborators would be able to work by team, and to find again all of your company’s content.
To get to know more about the comparisons of DAM platforms, we advise you to read our article