How do I sell my yoga videos online ?

You are a yoga teacher and you want to increase the amount of your customers online. Developing an online sport business is efficient not only for you, but also for your customers that often practice yoga. In fact, in 2022, yoga is still popular, because according to a study from Statista, 17% of women and 5% of men in France practice yoga (1).
In this article, we will explain to you its benefits.
Online Yoga classes, an efficient option ?
Online Yoga classes can be an additional method to your face-to-face classes.
Benefits of online yoga classes for your customers
Online yoga classes enable you to have a variety of advantages. In order to help you out, we have established a list of advantages :
1. Generate complementary incomes
Actually, your customers will be able to subscribe to a one or several online subscription(s), and so to generate complementary incomes to the face-to-face classes that you offer.
This is very beneficial for your business, because your customers will be able to pay easier than with face-to-face classes by a simple click, and to rapidly subscribe to your subscriptions !
2. Your subscribers have an unlimited access to your courses
Online yoga classes enable your customers to obtain flexibility. In fact, online classes are accessible at any moment. The reruns of your classes are possible, just as we offer it on our online video hosting platform. To give you an idea, according to a study from Syndicat national des professeurs de Yoga, “Since the first quarantine, 39% of yoga customers have followed online classes” (2).
You certainly have customers that work all day or that have to look after their children. By sharing online videos, your customers will be able to visualize them at any time and at their own rhythm !
If you want to know more about the development of your sport business, read the following article
Sell your yoga videos on a VOD platform
Features of VOD platform by Videas
For your online videos classes, you need a VOD platform. Consider it as your online video channel, where you can disseminate, share and sell your online yoga video !
Here’s the benefits of a VOD site :
1. Host and store your videos on a video library easy to use
Before publishing videos, you can start by hosting them on a video library.
By hosting your videos on a video library, you can free up the storage space of your computer ! Actually, depending on the type of subscription that you choose, you have the possibility to save up a large amount of video content.
What’s more, we suggest you several creation tools :
Indexing and annotating your videos
Create personalized playlists
Find your videos again by using the searching bar
Add options “Call-to-Actions” at the end of your videos
Learn more about our video library here
2. A VOD secure and personalized site
To sell your online yoga videos, a video on demand platform will be useful. A VOD platform is an online site, where you can sell your online videos. On the Videas’ platform your online video site will be both secure and personalized.
Personnalisation :
Change the theme and the colors (titles, texts, buttons) of your VOD platform
Modify the position / set up of your logo
Personalize the appearance of your site with your graphic charter
Security : To reinforce the security of your videos, the access to your platform is possible thanks to user accounts. Each user has their own authentication details to access to videos content.
You even have the same possibility to give access to different videos by user groups.
3. You can monetize your videos : location / purchase / selling
Selling your videos is a good way to increase your online business sport.
For instance, thanks to our platform, you have the possibility to create different paying methods for your learners depending on your needs.
Selling : You can put a unique price on your video and enable your users to download and to have unlimited access to it. For instance, 5 €.
Renting : Your customers can rent your videos. On the contrary, they will have unlimited access to it for a period that you would have chosen. For example, it will cost 3 € to access a video for 48 h.
Subscription : Your customers will be able to watch your videos by subscribing to a subscription. Some videos can be accessible by paying a monthly or annually subscription, just as Netflix.
For instance 10 €/ month to have unlimited access to the videos that you have chosen.
4. An unlimited secure paying system dedicated to professionals for your customers
Your learners can pay their subscription online from different ways : credit cards, Bancontact, Google Pay and Apple Pay.
To make sure that your customers can pay in a secure way, we use the SSL processus “Stripe”. Quick and easy to use, your learners will be able to pay their subscription in one click just as on any kind of e-commerce website.

5. Analytics boards to analyze the performance of your learners and the evolution of your VOD site
Tracking your learners’ progress or the performance of your videos is important. This is the reason why analytics boards are available on our platform to analyze in detail the performance of your customers (what kind of videos did he watch ? How many times has he spent on your platform, etc…).
What’s more, your clients will have the possibility to follow their subscription manually from their personal space.
In the case of subscriptions, they are automatically renewed each month.
If the customer unsubscribes to your channel, the person won’t have access to your videos anymore.

To conclude, a VOD platform enables you to increase your yoga business, because your customers will not only have access to your classes at any time, but they will easily pay their subscription.
On our platform, we offer you multiple tools that will enable you to not only personalize, but also to analyze the performance of your videos and of your learners.
Sources :
Anna Fleck. (2022, 21 june). Who’s practicing Yoga. Statista.
Anonyme. (s.d.). Syndicat national des professeurs de Yoga. Snypy.